
Showing posts from November, 2015

MM: {MeSha Moments}: #56~ Redd Money

Would you put up 10 Bands with me if I put up 10 Bands??? Get 8 other people to put up 10 Bands and throw the classiest event of a lifetime??? But after the event, invest again to do more events. Building bigger businesses for the community, your team, your family. Whether it be a venue or building for a conglomerate of small businesses or corporations, it would benefit everyone to come together. ...... The only problem is you risk being scammed by your own people. So build alone with an amount of money that is not ridiculously large, but big enough to keep your money train running on a straight track. You will have naysayers, debaters, negativity...... but the main thing to watch for is those who get close to you. Work from within? And dig your way out? WOW.... But remember this: some of your assets have a great deal of value. Bartering is not an option. Thank you child....... look at it as sort of trade. No, get that money!

MM: {MeSha Moments}: #55~ The Rewind Button

You go through life, this particular chapter of what's supposed to be YOUR BOOK, and you come to a standstill.......     A piece of information is revealed and you begin to think. You think back. You think so far back that you have now pressed a rewind button in your brain. This button has caused a ripple of waves that creates an entirely new story. This story is now a Conspiracy Theory of what you think the cause of the situation was. Are you correct in your assumptions? Did you miss something? Or were you played the same way the machine was? Every machine that has a play button, fast forward and rewind? Now it's time for you to pause, decide where your stopping point is and then record over the bullshit to fix what was destroyed.... I let my tape ROCC til my tape POPPED!