MM: {MeSha Moments}: #64~The Cluttered Mind, The Messy Life
You would think that it all begins in a room, the pile of stuff, the junk you forgot to clean, the mess you made. Or is it the mess you allowed others to make, after parties, after dinners, after conversations? Either way, you have to stop and clean it up before you move on to something else. You have to clear away anything that doesn't belong or doesn't belong to you.... But are we still talking about a ROOM? Clutter starts in your mind but it can expel or spill over into a room, leaving it dirty and hard to focus on what you need to do. It is very difficult to clean and organize items in your life if your mind is running 8 different ways and 3 types of crazy. Your clutter may have began long ago or recently so let me hand you a broom and dust pan, maybe a mop? Let's think back...After the parties were toxic people who made their way into your personal space and somehow found a common ground and a reason to stick around. When dinner was over, their were no dishes,...