
Showing posts from December, 2017

MM: {MeSha Moments}: #63~The Misuse of the Word TIME

TIME. Many of us use the word TIME out of context. TIME... Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock... We treat time as if it doesn't exist in the lives of others until it is YOUR time that is being utilized. We fail to take into account the the time is others is just as, if not more, valuable than yours. TIME. Did you schedule a time or made a TIME COMMITMENT that you chose not to agree to or dedicate to keeping your word about that specified time? Or do you lead others to believe that they do not fit into your time or maybe they don't fit into your life. Be honest with people about TIME by just saying I DON'T WANT TO. I CAN'T DO THAT. I WILL NOT COMMIT DOING THIS OR THAT. Don't chose to blame things on TIME or create and invisible schedule to avoid assisting another. Just say NAW BITCH! I don't want to. But many of us will let TIME take the fall. Time is doing it's part in life just by committing to the hours and minutes of a clock, by adding those hours to create days,...

MM: {MeSha Moments}: #62~The Red Lie

You've heard of the 'little white lie'? A little white lie is said to be a minor, polite or harmless lie. A white lie can be excused because it doesn't cause great harm. But we all know that those little lies can grow into bigger lies just to cover up the little lies... So what is A RED LIE? This type of lie falls into a different category and for some reason is found to be acceptable and tolerated....A red lie is a statement told with complete awareness that the other person knows the statement to be false. This type of lie is often told and accepted to avoid the fallout that might occur from dealing with reality. People are known to tell these lies, knowing their poker face is visible and hoping the other party believes the bullshit and to keep from hurting the other person while we sit, listen and accept but in our heads KNOW.... YOU ARE A LIAR!!!! Why do we not correct this behavior? well... to avoid hurting the other person? This has to stop. Here is ...

MM: {MeSha Moments}: #61~The New Aged Cat Or Catty Niggas?

There is a code. Code of the streets. Code amongst men. Code in business. Even a code between companions. But what happened? Somewhere along the line and throughout the ages, the code got lost. Women became more street savvy and more apt to keep the code.... especially in SILENCE. In this day and time, men have become weak minded and ready to talk and chat and gossip. Have a tea party while you're at it motherfucker! It's as if the balls have not dropped so many men are still seeking approval. Conversations or sit downs should be considered sacred and confidential. Instead they turn into what should have been a public seminar because everyone knows what was said. The streets are now filled with snitches and gossipers. The pillow talk of the private bedrooms are being revealed. Even the contracts of business are a topic of discussion at random dinner tables. Who is loyal and who is worthy of my company? My work ethic? My love??? Why are women being made to keep the cod...